Today I spent about thirty minutes spinning the boys in our computer chair. Jack kept asking me to spin them faster, and then would promptly, say slow down. West was just enjoying himself, he was laughing and singing. Jack and West are similar with their temper, but quite different other wise. West is our dare devil, and well Jack is kind of scared of everything.
Jack freaks out when:
-He gets a drop of water on him, he completely strips his clothes off
-He gets the slightest bit dirty
-He goes swimming, or goes down a slide
-A bug comes any where near him
We are hoping West will cure him. West gets into anything and loves being dirty. Saturday he tried to eat a rollie pollie, and constantly eats dirt. He will leap off the couch, jump into the water (from his bum, cause he is still not walking) and loves wrestling. It is funny how different they are.
"Spank my booty, spank my booty, give me a kiss, and then spank my booty."
I asked him who he learned it from and he said, Aunt Anne First, then his Sunday school teacher, and then my sister Breanna. It is really funny to hear him sing it.